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Spooky Radio

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murraymints | 07:54 Fri 06th May 2016 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I have a wall mounted radio/cd player..for the last 6 months or so it has been switching itself on at midnight..not tuned in to a station but very very loud white timer on it at powered down completely but still plugged in !! any ideas ???


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Updates or no updates; I'm still puzzled at the claim that it has no power yet finds some somewhere and uses it to send out white noise. (Even capacitors discharge eventually.) Even updates need the radio powered. I reckon the plug is still in the socket socket in the wall and it is switched on at the wall which means the radio could well be taking some as standby, and so able to be effected by mains spikes or, as suggested, over the air updates.
If it has a clock function and it works, it's probably powered on (or has batteries).
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still plugged in yes...spiking I thought of ..but every night at the same time ?
Something powerful on a timer switching on or off at the same time each night ?
Heating maybe. Freezer ? Perhaps washing machine ?
What happens near you at midnight aside from the spooky radio ?
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oh ..sprouts whiskers and bays at the moon !! lol

nothing that I am aware of OG...has only started doing this in recent months
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have unplugged it..will leave it unplugged for a day maybe two see if it clears !
Sounds a plan.
Cuts down the possible explanations at least.

Maybe you need a tap recorder on all night in case it fails to wake you tonight ;-)
mm // there is no alarm function on it \\

There is now! Oooer!
Have you tried unplugging it ;-))
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have done cupid...see what happens when I plug it back in after 24 hours !

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