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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:04 Sat 14th May 2016 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Saturday. Overcast this morning, but it's high cloud this time, so I'm not expecting any rain...I hope! The cloud cover means it's not as cold as predicted.

Tiggy has had his supper, but not gone to bed yet. I could hear him rootling about in garden, so he hasn't gone far. I had a short walkabout, but nothing else out and about.

Have a happy day everyone.


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well someone is on the move....better get her check here in ten minutes before I sign off....
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I seem to remember hanging about too wee sis. ;o}
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Good luck DT.
Well the sun has just hatched orf to cook breakfast for the family in Newquay.. Little man is two today...then we all take flight to Piran Meadows....lots of little chirpy squally things...have a nice day
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Have a happy day wee sis. Don't get too upsited!! ;o} xxxxx
well have a good day, all.....
Malta is an accident waiting to happen with random steps scattered here and there. I have to be very careful.

Looks like it's going to be another scorcher of a day.
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That's right enough ummmm! :o} Vigilance is the order of the day.
Morning all !

Oh dear.....where has our early summer gone ?....very grey today and much cooler.
Morning mikey xx cold and grey here too. So far...
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Morning mikey.

Quite warm here, the cloud is slowly dispersing. Should be a good day.
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Time to make a move. Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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