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Bull Fighting, Is There Much Opposition To It In Spain?

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RATTER15 | 07:40 Sat 14th May 2016 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I just watched this and each one of those guys deserve everything they got, no sympathy at all for any of them, it is sick and barbaric!!

When will it ever get banned?


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Bull fighting is now banned completely in Catalonia and I'm sure other provinces will follow suit. The younger generations are more keen to promote animal rights, and that applies to other counties too where dogs are still strung up by their back legs in the market place and sold for their meat (whilst still alive). I hope I live to see animal rights recognised...
05:46 Sun 15th May 2016
I don't know the answer to your question Ratter, as I have only ever been to Spain once, and that was in 1970 !

But we mustn't be complacent here in Britain. Badger baiting and dog fighting is going on all over the country. And there are millions of people that would love to bring back fox hunting, otter hunting and hare coursing if they only could.
I agree, if anyone gets gored/bitten/kicked whilst tormenting an animal theN they get all they deserve. Torturing animals for fun is evil.
I’m of the opinion that in order to offer an informed opinion, personal experience is helpful. I therefore decided to go to watch a Spanish bullfight live. The splendour of the pomp, the colour, the music, the tradition is magnificent. Nevertheless I cried. It is the cruellest thing I’ve ever witnessed.
Sorry Ratter, I didn't answer your question. I think there is rising opposition to it in Spain. I know of several bullrings that are now used for other events. Whether it will ever be banned is debateable.
Ritual slaughter is always wrong.

Well, almost always.
Dressed up the right way it's 'culture'.
Douglas, //Ritual slaughter is always wrong.//

This is more than ritual slaughter. The prolonged ritual torture comes before the swift ritual slaughter.
The EU seems unable to act, as is normal. The Welsh have banned Punch and Judy though.
^Well, that's a start. :o/
No they like it - corrida
pre roman apparently

it is only in Pamplona they herd the bulls to the ring and the real men run in front of them ( in white suits and red belts ) - and and and
Spanish teevee carries news items on Pamplona that week and if no one has been gored on the run to the bull ring - they replay the good bits from previous years !

If you recollect the sunny Sun's - Buy the donkey campaign ....
Spanish teevee employed that year, a svelte bean pole in a suit and high heels to try to wave twenty quid in the faces of spectators as she wobbled over the high gras at the waterloo cup, trilling:

"zees leedol bonny! zees pore bonny - I 'av £20 to buy zees bonny and save heem !"

and the flat capped spectators did not take it in good part ..... ( early nineties )
Causing unnecessary suffering is always wrong. But unless I have misunderstood, these type of activities that occur in Britain are the sort small enough to be hidden. Small group in the country or whatever. A bullfight would need an obvious stadium.

We have tried to ban fox hunting here but it is difficult when those who enjoy making animals suffer have such powerful friends in parliament who use spurious excuses to neuter whatever is passed. But we have made an attempt and probably will in the future.

Meanwhile I don't know what legislation has been passed in bullfighting countries, but it will be difficult to change attitudes in countries that hold little respect for non human species of animal. But hopefully the civilising influence of nearby coutries will eventually prick consciences.
I do think maybe optimistically that Spain will eventually outlaw this barbaric tradition. It probably doesn't have enough people fighting for a change yet, I doubt it relies on tourism which doesn't help. Maybe once the toilets issue is sorted then this can be looked at :-0
toilets and then bulls - good prioritization Prudie

after toilets - I think you should put - and no one speaks english there either - and then bulls
I have just looked at the link again, and weren't the bulls bloody marvelous !
lark zees

one comment ( my thpanith is not good ) seems to be 'homage to a dockhood'
Minoan youth demonstrated bravery without harming the bull.
I can't do pics, so;
Being an animal lover I loathe it with a vengenace, but they always say in Spain that it's only the tourists that keep it going, this I don't beleive. A hell of a lot of spaniards love it. Sadly, I don't think it will ever be banned.
Bull fighting is now banned completely in Catalonia and I'm sure other provinces will follow suit.

The younger generations are more keen to promote animal rights, and that applies to other counties too where dogs are still strung up by their back legs in the market place and sold for their meat (whilst still alive). I hope I live to see animal rights recognised by law across the whole world.
Cruelty of any kind is evil. So are those so called humans that take part in it.

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