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Oh Update

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Caran | 23:08 Tue 17th May 2016 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Well we got him there ok at 7.15am. Stayed with him for a hour or so but was in the way really. He said it was better if I went home so I did. Rang at 6.00 he was still out for the count. Rang at 8.00. All ok. Nurse didn't speak much English but I gathered he was full of drains and tubes and a self administered morphine pain relief thingy. He sent a message to say he was fine.
Doctors seeing him in the morning to assess whether he could be moved from high dependency to the ward. Nurse didn't know if he had keyhole surgery or the main op.
Daughter is taking me to see him late afternoon tomorrow.
Thank you all for your good wishes, very much appreciated.


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Glad that bit's over, Caran......hope all's fine when you get there tomorrow.......take care you too.....Gx
Thanks for the update, onward and upward - make sure you get some rest Caran.x
Hope things go well, Caran.
Nurse didn't speak much English

This would concern me.
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His daughter advised me to get some rest before he comes home with his bell!
Best wishes to OH Caran. Look after yourself too - it is easy to be so focused on a loved one who is ill that you forget yo care for yourself.

Oh I had THE BELL,'s when you run upstairs and he says....

Oh, I was just checking it was working.......grrrrr......☺
Take the middle out of the bell, you know the bell clapper!!!

I hope you find him well/pain free and in good spirits tomorrow caren.
I had the 'bell' too, it has to be endured.
Thinking of you both Caran - hope all is well, look after yourself too. Ann x
Good news Caran . I hope all continues to go well. Look after yourself as well.
Good news. Pleased that that is over with. Onwards and upwards from now. :) x
Best wishes to you both.
Hope all went well, all the best to you both.

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