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Talk About Optimistic ...

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sunny-dave | 00:20 Sun 22nd May 2016 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
... it's 1am .. I've had quite a few beers ... I've just bought a conw of excellent Belgian Frites ... and been asked if I want the "healthy option" reduced fat mayonnaise ... they have to be having a laugh

Hic. Burp. Pardon.



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there's a whole Herge museum but 20-odd miles from Brussels

I don't know if there's a frites museum too.
Lol where are you??
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Brussels, smow - hence the beer and frites :)
So nite frites can be good frites after all?
So you are in Brussels, sd, whilst the rest of us are trying to avoid the place like the plague. I can understand someone selling his soul to the Devil for riches in this world, but for a bag of chips?
I think Dave is beer and frited he's snoring..... :-)

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