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Oh Update.

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Caran | 23:18 Sun 22nd May 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Well he is finally home. Not sure he should have been let out really. He is in a lot of pain, very fragile and quite breathless at times.
He has slept a lot since he came home. Went to bed at 10.30.
But the only way is up from now.


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Hope things go well, lots of rest for you both is the best plan for now.x
Good news he is home Caran, I hope his breathing improves, and the pain goes off.
I do think patients are discharged too quickly now. If his analgesia is not sufficient contact you're gp. Best wishes to you both.
Best place for him Caran. Lots of rest for you both and hopefully each day will see an improvement x
Attagirl! As long as he is comfortable, he is better home. Sleep is good. Keep doc's number handy, but I'm sure all will be well. x
And what Anne said regarding the pain relief
I think they're sent home too early also. Saying that, he's probably glad he's in his own home. Don't hesitate to call doctor if you are worried about him. Hope he will fell better soon. Look after yourself too Caran. Best wishes.
Glad he's home, Caran.....much safer if more work for you.....but at least you're not traveling......

Get as much help from your GP as you need......Gx
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I'm really glad he is home. Apart from the fact visiting took a chunk of 4-5 hours. I felt guilty getting daughter and son in law to take me but I couldn't face driving through Bristol. Today friends took me so it gave family a break.
All his follow up treatment is to be in Gloucester. He has his stitches out at our surgery on Friday.
As everyone has said, any worries then straight on the phone - sure all will settle though.
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Thank you for all good wishes, much appreciated.
Good news Caren. Lots of TLC and spoiling is needed now. I'm sure he will get it. :o}
Hope he's had a good night at home.

Agree with the others, I think they're discharged too soon.

Please remember to look after yourself xx
he will be safer from hospital aquired infections at home and will most likely sleep and eat better....take FULL advantage of all help offered..take care..if carer gets sick then everyone suffers..thinking of you both xx
Good morning Caran, I hope you both had a decent night's sleep. Good news that OH is at home, I hope the pain eases soon xx
Welcome home Mr Caran and get well soon.
Ah, another one on the mend. Good.
Good news Caran - hope you both had a good night (although I guess you, like me, will be often worrying about him!) Take care of each other x
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Thank you all you lovely people.
Chin (or chins, given our ages) up, Caran. All will be well. Just stick with it.

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