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Could Britex Lead To A Year Long Economic Winter?

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sandyRoe | 12:21 Mon 23rd May 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
'Brits smuggling themselves into the EU in the back of lorries in order to sell copies of The Big Issue on the streets of Europe's capitals?

Seems most unlikely.


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Yes, it could.

Any of the 'doom and gloom' notions put forward by either side are perfectly possible - which negates the need to listen to them.
Even if it did, what's a year For Funks Sake? We had much longer economic winters under Wilson and Callaghan.
They wont get much joy flogging "Bigger Shoe" in Vienna sandy. The dangerous Norman Hofer appears all the rage. Perhaps the could sell blue cornflowers.
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Best avoid Vienna and head on to the El Dorado that is Bucharest.
If it does (and it seems a small price to pay) one very good result would be that migrants wouldn't want to smuggle themselves in here any more; lots would move on somewhere better and then there would be more jobs for indigenous Britons - who would not then need benefits - and we could revive our economy quite quickly. In fact, bring it on!
A drop in house prices wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?
No, it wouldn't, Hopkirk. If you want to sell (so your house is worth less} then your proposed purchase would also be worth less. Also, first-time buyers
would more easily get on the housing ladder.

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