O for gods sake dont be so thin skinned - Nigh.
retro - glad to hear that you have survived a rather obvious post op problem
The doctor refusing you ( go to cas, that one ) erm shouldnt have -
and when it is all over or if Mrs Retro is in a writey mood she should write to the consultant in charge of Endovars and request a review of your case - particularly, the decision not to readmit....
You were also told your raised creatinine ( cretin to you ) was due to the anaesthetic - an obvious load of boll+x I can tell you [ previous post ]
Your hospial has a PALS service and will assist ( if you ask )
you should also say you were discharged too early
and that they should review their discharge procedures
also demand that this is recorded as an involuntary readmission within 30d an NOT as a new admission with a new problem - or else they will go on doing it ( discharging far too early - so that they have beds to cure yet ore punters by discharging the ill ones onto the street )
as Gness said I am not surprised
I am actually - it is not very good quality post op care .....