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Life expectances

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Gale_Snail | 11:54 Wed 31st May 2006 | History
3 Answers

Hey! Look i really need some help with my history corse, and i cant find any answers on the internet or googl! so pleas ecan somebody help me..... here is the Q:

What is the average life expectancy in the middle ages for:

a) a king

b) a medeival villein

c) a knight

d) a barron

please send some answers soon! ta xx Gale



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The average life expectancy in the late middle ages was about 33 years. It is quite a complex question, did they not give you any hints?? You need to take account of:

Feudal systems & pillaging
Disease spreading (no sewers)
Plague / pestilence
Lack of medical advancement

All of these would vary for each of the �occupations� you list, but most of the lords and nobles and kings would have lived longer as the peasantry were often neglected, starved, diseased or used as first assault men-at-arms, crossbowmen or archers in battle.

Have a read here ... You'll need a bit of time to sort out the info you need...

If you measure the Middle Ages from William the Conqueror in 1066 to Henry VII in 1485, the average age of death for a king of England is between 48 and 49 years of age.

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