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sandymick | 11:21 Sun 29th May 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
A playing area thats 18x22
Does not says if its inches or yards etc


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How many letters please and do you have any placed?
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A playing area thats 18x22
10 letters
11:14 Sun 29th May 2016
Question Author
10 letters
E is third
Any more letters?
chess board, the theme of today's crossword is Chess, the royal part, the religious part...
If only I had been psychic and known the theme...
..never have got that ;o)
sandymick didn't know theme either, I solved it earlier this morning
oops, sorry sandymick.

Got there in the end though. Happy puzzling ;-)
i still don't get the 18x22 bit?
No answer for that aelmpvw, I just had an instinct, carried on with my crossword and knew I was on right track
Just about to sit to dinner with family and I remembered, the answer to Q18 and 22 was black and white (chessboard)
thank you :-)

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