Ground to a halt. Kick start needed.
Who the 'eck will Ron Glum marry? An old African (7) E******
A learner with a car-a happy man apparently(8) L*******
I am not sure how literary the answers might be. The bottom half of the solution which I have got is for from consistent. Over to those with brains....
Regarding Ethiope. I typed eth???? into the Chambers Word Wizard. Ethiope was not listed.There was a word 'ethiops'. When I typed it into the search box it said 'no entries found'. I find that strange as it is the same dictionary.
Okay, thank you. I guess it is that sura, but quite how the clue parses is still beyond me. 'women' doesn't seem to fit at all. I eventually stopped searching online because some of my searches were pointing me to the sort of websites that get you on a watchlist!