18a Nautical command to stop or hold fast? (5)
30a United Football team for which Billy Bremner and Norman Hunter played in the 1960's and 1970's? (5)
12d Exercise sometimes called jumping jacks or side-straddle hops? (4,5)
37d City in the Kansai region of Japan? (5)
I guess taff doesn't realise the need to tab down to check for answers. I sometimes forget but that's only when an old question appears on latest posts. It would be easier if we could at least see the first answer
Maybe, but I've fallen for it quite a few times- i have been so pleased at knowing an answer that i forget o check the date/time, but that's when it reappears in Latest Posts. I'm not sure how people stumble across older clues- but sometimes if you look on Recently Answered tab you find people answering old questions that had been fully answered years ago.