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Finding Out Who Owns A Plot Of Land...

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ummmm | 09:48 Fri 03rd Jun 2016 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
It's an old car park so wouldn't have an exact address I assume?



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This plot wouldn't be built on. My boss want to use it as a yard. The side of the street it is on is mainly the back of businesses.
Quick, fence it off and use it. From what I read the law likes folk to just take things and hang on to them.
Question Author
This plot is already walled off with a double gate.

It hasn't been used in years.
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Woof...that's asking me to put in a house number and name.
you can put in your office details as you are next door, then zoom in tight, go to find properties and put the circle on the one next door to you...I just tested it on vacant land near me and it worked.
Start here:

Click 'Start now' and then 'Map enquiry'

Enter sufficient details to locate the right general area (or simply click on the map and then zoom in).

Drag and zoom until you've got just the relevant land within the frame.

Turn 'Find properties' on.

Scroll down to view an offer to purchase the property title for £3.

NB: Not all land is registered with the Land Registry. If the ownership has remained unchanged for many decades it might not show up.
Question Author
Thanks, Woof and Chris. I have a feeling it is owned by the council.
Make an FOI request to the relevant council, roughly as follows:


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request the following information:

1. Any information which the council holds in respect of the ownership of land, formerly used as a car park, situated on New Road, Sometown, between those properties numbered 185 and 193 ;

2. If the council has control of the land (either as owner or leaseholder), any plans which the council has (or may be considering) in respect of its future use or sale ;

3. Any information which the council holds in respect of covenants or other restrictions upon the use of that land ; and

4. Any information which the council holds in respect of planning applications relating to that land ;

5. Any other information which the council may hold in respect of the future use (or proposed future use) of that land".

Yours faithfully"

Unlike applications for information under the Data Protection Act, which can attract a fee, there is normally no charge for FOI applications.
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Cheers Chris....that's much better than the email I've already sent. If I get no reply I'll send that instead, I'm sure they won't remember the first one :-)
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Chris...If you look in I have received an email from both the council and land registry. The council have confirmed they do not own the land. We'll have to pay our £3 to find out from LR. So my sloppy email actually worked :-)

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