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Spending A Penny Can Be Confusing

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wolf63 | 22:20 Tue 07th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I am not usually keen on pranks but this one is unusual. I enjoyed it.



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I like it.

How about this in a similar vein.
Also, under EU directive 314/89/10 you are not allowed to use the phrase
"Spend A Penny" any more.

You must now use the word Euronate.
That really made me laugh Wolf, thank you.
Question Author
Was it Jeremy Beadle that used to do pranks on people. I found very few of the actually funny - I would have been really angry and may have thumped him when he turned up.

I think that I may go Euronate before bed. And clean the litter trays out.


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Spending A Penny Can Be Confusing

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