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What Would Happen If The Referendum Resulted In A Tiny Majority For One Side Or The Other

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sandyRoe | 23:09 Tue 07th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
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then that side would "win"
Yes,a win is a win!

How close was the election in Austria! Result stood after a Stewards enquiry...
Cameron has said that he would abide by the result, irrespective of the size of the majority. However, if the result should go against him I would not put it past him to come up with some specious excuse not to proceed, given the sleazy lying self-serving scumball that he is.
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I guess if there was a small 'out' majority the 'remain' people would look hard for ways to ignore it.
Whatever the result of the Referendum, it will have to be approved by Parliament and it will be necessary to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act if Brexit wins.

Consequently, it's Not all over when the election results are published.


True, but if Cameron is true to his word (though I expect the sky to fall in before that happens) he will have to impose a three-line whip. Then the blood will start to flow.

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What Would Happen If The Referendum Resulted In A Tiny Majority For One Side Or The Other

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