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Do You Watch Horror Films ?

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wolf63 | 16:37 Wed 08th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
This lad does - can anyone tell the film from the looks on his face? I don't like watching scary stuff on TV or film.


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When my 'lovely' brother and I were young we watched a film one afternoon with out mother. It was "The Ghost Train"

Mum was making things really scary and the atmosphere was tense. Then an ornament (an owl) fell off a ledge and the top of the stairs and thudded down the stairs. She was too scared to go and see what it was and sent me/us to check.

That film (a comedy) terrified me for a long time. Little brother went on to watch all the Hammer House of horror etc films but I couldn't watch them.

I don't have a TV and very rarely miss it.

ferlew - I did watch the Birds and it was terrifying. I can't think why I watched it.

The most ridiculously un scary film ever, has to be "The Beast with Five Fingers" why did it scare the living daylights out of me for months afterwards?
Could be something to do with the fact that every time I sat sat to busy myself, MY brother would sneak his hand along the sofa or chair arm, using his fingers to 'walk', cheers bro.
My father-in-law watched hound dog of Dracula with his mutt years ago...they both loved it...
With pupils that wide, he must have been enjoying whatever it was.
ferlew - my ex hubbie used to do that to me, had me running round the room screaming! Goodness knows why when I think back to it!
Because it was funny ;-)

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