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I Need A Bum!

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EcclesCake | 17:44 Thu 09th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Mine has demised and I cannot hold my trousers up any longer.

If anyone has some to spare I will happily accept. There is a limit to how I much I can take on board so first come first served :-)


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Braces ?
Mcfluff is the person to see, she may even throw in her gold hot pants.
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Hmmm, gold hot pants and braces. I wonder if I could rock that look????
I used to laugh at the padded knickers for sale in the Far East but now, thanks to JLo etc, they are quite trendy
Please some of my fat ***!!
This is the height of carelessness, where did you last have it?

Sorry none spare here.
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Islay, i'lltake a portion.

Mamya, last spotted in bathroom mirror. I will be more careful with my boobs, they have shrunk somewhat too.....can't go losing them!!!!!
Eccles....I have acres to spare...let me know and I will fax some over !
I've got some spare you can have,but you'll have to arrange transport, a pick up should do the job.
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I'm beginning to think I should have specified ladies only.....I really don't want a hairy bum
I need a bum too :-(
I have what I'd call a boys bum...completely flat. I much prefer it to the huge bums which some celebs seem to think are necessary, even going to the lengths of having implants!!
Make the most of it Eccles, it may not last..
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Eth the last time I looked at your bum from the satellite it blocked out most of the county :-(
What's happened to your bum, Eccles?

I'm the only person I know that's lost weight due to lack of exercise!!!

I had this great plan where I'd walk to work everyday and do some food shopping from the local market on the way home....

Well it hasn't gone to plan!! I've walked home twice! Lazy cow....
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The chickens ate it, Ummmm ;)
I'll have you know, Eccles, my bum is very sought after in some circles..
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Eth, I presume you me Saturns circles????
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If so they they were blocked out by Uranus.

Eccles runs and hides........
You need a bum? I'll give Mr BM your address. He can be there in an hour......
Uranus indeed....cheeky mare!

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I Need A Bum!

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