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What Would You Buy The Queen For Her Birthday?

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smurfchops | 19:30 Sat 11th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Well?? ....


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Err, nothing. If she were my grandma I might get her a nice bunch of flowers and the latest Joanna Trollope book.
A trip on that super fast and long zip line in North Wales
I wouldn't. Maybe a card.
Nowt. She's never bought me a present.
I'd buy her a weekend away alone somewhere that absolutely nobody knew who she was.
how many times must she have muttered "oh that *** anthem again" !
One of those hover boards , so she can move about Buck palace more quickly.
fluffy jim jams and cosytoe slippers
I'd bake her a pie, she's never had one of my pies before.
I'd buy her a hand held games console so she could amuse herself on her more boring visits.
an inflatable corgi - for Prince Philip, a bottle of mouthwash.
DTC - why does his breath smell?
those corgis, Lady J, too much kissing of them....
I'd buy her a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. She must be so sick of wearing the same style dress and matching hat!
Exactly what could you buy one of the wealthiest women in the world ?

She already has too much of everything.
Mikey - I agree and she is still a very nice person.

That is more than can be said of a lot of other people, rich or otherwise.
Lady Jane, although I am far from being a royalist, I would unhesitatingly agree that she is very nice !
First I knew you got bad breath from kissing dogs - mine must be rank !! I'm with mm, cosy jim jams and fluffy slippers is a brill idea!

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