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If This Had Been Parked Outside You House From Early Morning...

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sandyRoe | 14:50 Wed 15th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
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Sandy ...this was happening several times a week to me until recently...always the same car, driven by a tarty looking young women. We had a very frank exchange of views on this situation last week, extremely frank indeed, and she has never parked it there again !

and keyed her doors? :-)
NO...I would never do that Bazile....I shouted at her, very loudly, which seems to have done the trick !
Mikey - who are you to judge someone on how they look?
ummmm, who are you to judge sandyRoe for judging the woman?

Tarty looking women are the very worst kind, just as middle aged men getting shouty in the street are.
Umm ...I saw her and you didn't. I approached her politely on 3 separate occasions and every time I had a torrent of foul-mouth abuse. So I thought that would give her a taste of her own medicine and it seems to have worked.

...she was blocking my neighbours drive as well and the view from my house is spookily similar to Sandys ! She was behaving ignorantly and she deserved all she got.
A phone call to the City By-Law office would have that car towed away and impounded all at the owner's expense here.
You have city by-law operatives, Stuey, we have pot bellied types in cheap, ill-fitting uniforms to tell us there's nuffink they can do abaht it mate.
I'd be tempted to get a hold of one of those emergency rescue hammers, the ones with the point for the efficient breaking of automotive glass.
Even though it's blocking your driveway they can't do anything about it?...Crazy. Anyway, the ticketing, the towing, and the impounding would cost the owner around 200 pounds in your money, and it would be an extra 50 pounds or so if they didn't pay the total fine within 24hrs.

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