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Newcastle Mother's 17 Children Taken Into Care After Birt

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mikey4444 | 16:10 Wed 15th Jun 2016 | News
33 Answers

Hopefully, this is a rare case, but couldn't the various Authorities have done something, rather than wait in Maternity with wicket-keepers gloves on all these years ?


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I think the most exercise some ABers get is in 'jumping to conclusions' and 'running off at the mouth'....

No-one (me included) knows the circumstances of this woman's life and yet they are prepared to think the worst of her on scant evidence.
Aog, it's impossible to say how her mind was working. A bit of support with the first two children, she might not have felt the need to keep having more.
The Court of Protection can order that a woman be sterilised in very rare and exceptional circumstances. They won't do that just to save the State money!
is it that easy AOG?
It is in his world
It does take two to tango, Islay, if only everyone went back to their seats when the band stopped playing all this could be avoided.
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Its obvious that this woman has not led anything like a normal life. We can only guess what kind of upbringing she must have had.

But for 17 children to be taken into care, most of them within hours of birth, suggests that the systems in place to help her simply haven't worked properly, or indeed at all.

What a sad case, for everybody involved. I hope all those kids are now growing up far away from the background they were born into.
Very sad indeed and I heartily hope they have grown up or are growing as happy individuals.

Quite a few may be parents themselves now, however many systems are in place sometimes the right help doesn't get to those who need it.
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Mamy...I have seen it said in the past, that these cycles of degradation and despair tend to repeat into subsequent generations, so I really do hope that the kids are far away and have been put with decent families.
I can almost guarantee they've been adopted, mikey
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Lets hope so hc !
On this one I have to agree with you Mickey.
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Its nice when we agree YMG...we should do it more often !

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