I fell asleep in the sun on the rear patio, it's really sheltered, woke up to the sound of a lawn mower, B cutting the front grass again, he's still in plaster until Tuesday. Doesn't appear to be any damage this time.
Retrocop, you got some handcuffs I can borrow for a couple of days please?
Ha Ha, If she thinks she got away unnoticed, she's wrong, I watched her taking a run-up to get in, she's only little and the bed is not, and I watched her leave 0600ish. These plaster casts slow you down make it difficult to catch anyone. More to the point, I'm a gentleman'
Honestly, Baldric....you're a rogue! Were I the Doc I'd find a way to have the plaster cast kept on for another couple of weeks......just for fun...... ;-)
There are a couple of fans in her room, I just needed to finish off the wiring when I had my accident, it's just at the moment I don't see it as a priority.