My niece phoned me recently to tell me her daughter has been diagnosed with this and she is at her wits end.The GP doesn't seem to be of much help and although she has had CBT and other treatments, nothing is working. I must admit I have never heard of this before and I'm hoping that some Abers may have either experienced it, know someone who has it or know the best treatment for it. Any answers appreciated. x
Thanks JJ I will send that link to my niece but I think she will probably have already read all about it and at the moment she is looking for anyone who has experienced it and which treatment helped them and if as she has been told, her daughter will 'grow out of it'.xx
I had a friend with this who flatly refused to get help, she saw it almost as the one thing she had control over.
In treatment the whole family needs to be on board and of course the patient them self must be willing and open to help, devise tricks and tips to distract and replace the activity.
Of course also keep going back and asking for more help too.
Thanks for your answers. I've read a little about it myself and so I understand Mamya what you say about devising tricks and tips to distract from it. I will go down that route next time I speak to my niece. xx