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Patsy33 | 13:40 Thu 07th Jul 2016 | Jokes
15 Answers
I went to the shopping centre today. Once you've seen one, you've seen the mall...


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Could've gone to the butcher's and come out with a capon.
I went into boots but they didn't have any.
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Yes, 1ozzy, but you have to wear it backwards and inside out.
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I find I need but two in my wardrobe: an east-south-easter, and a west-north-wester. Jolly well good for all absolutely frightful weather; however, they must be colour coordinated you know
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Are you off your shopping trolly?!!
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Are you off your shopping trolly?!!
Chap went into Boots and asked for deodorant. When asked if he wanted the roll on ball type he replied, No it's for under my arms.
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I don't know why cashiers always ask if I have a "Frequent Flyer's Card" since I shop locally, and usually walk or drive to their store.
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