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Rte 29

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scooke | 12:16 Mon 11th Jul 2016 | Crosswords
10 Answers
6d you would do well with nothing at the end for shakespeares character(8)???h???o
16d a single and the same again for each of us(3,7)??e,?e???e?
27a in ireland-after brexit- heres where it points then or there ere disengaging(3,5)o??,?n???


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16 One per cent?
^ sorry, doesn't fit.
6 Prosper O
27 Out north? theN OR There
one another - 27ac
sorry Jo, that's meant to be 16 down
16d.One another
No problem, Éan :o)
27a The North
27d Typo

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Rte 29

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