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Cameron, What Now For Him?

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sandyRoe | 05:43 Tue 12th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Will he don the ermine and settle for a seat on the red benches, look for a few lucrative directorships in 'The City, and make a start on his memoirs?


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Couldn't care less..
I wouldn't be surprised if he accepts a Cabinet post. He's a very experienced politician.
I think he should be offered minister of defence, he could then decide what colour it should be painted.
Vulcan !
Couldn't they create an honorary role for him in the EU ; afterall he did sacrifice his job , when he did not have to ; and did try hard to keep GB in the club
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I like that idea.^^^. Another ex PM, Blair, who did much to destabilise the Middle East, was later appointed peace envoy there.
Perhaps Cameron could be appointed to some role as a peripatetic EU ambassador?
Sandy....I am not sure if the EU is remotely likely to appoint an ex-PM,
of a country that has just voted to leave the EU ASAP ?
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No more incongruous, surely, than appointing TB, who'd helped unleash the dogs of war, to a role as a promoter of peace.
He'll join the 'Tony Blair I'll Sort Your Country Out Company@ on a salary of squillions.

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Cameron, What Now For Him?

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