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What's This 'ere?

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sandyRoe | 21:44 Wed 13th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I got 6/10 in this quiz. Can you do any better?


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Only 5/10 :o(
I got 5
5/10. Go to the bottom of the class :-(
I got 3/10 but then I failed Art o level presuming you all believe me :-)
Once upon a time,
That's a link to writing a story, not a quiz?
Oh dear 2/10 what a philistine I am.
8 but I'm a jammy guesser:-)
Question Author
From it, Zacs Master has supplied a better link.
Thanks zacs,
I got 5 too. But I was guessing on a few.
Question Author
Gromit, not From it. ^^^
Got the average for guesswork, 4.
Missed a few I had been going to go for and didn't though.
4 for me!
3/10 for me.
A shameful 2 for me, terrible at guessing stuff even when trying logic.
3/10 for me.
3/10 !

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What's This 'ere?

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