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Printer Proximity

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lady_p_gold | 15:35 Wed 31st May 2006 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
Does anyone know if there are any rules and regs about being near a printer, one has just suddenly appeared next to me at work and it is in constant use and I am wondering what I am breathing in all day ! I did go to the Health and Safety Executive website but couldn't seem to find anything ...........


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I have a pen on my desk. I am concerned it may be adversely affecting my karma. Is there anyone from whom I can claim compensation?

Lol - sorry.

I don't think you'll find it will have any effect on you. Some printers use molten wax inks but I'm sure you'll be OK. I think the irritating noise will be most significant!

Not true - some printers do give off fumes - do you have a Health and Safety rep? I would ask for a workstation assessment and bring it up then.
toner ink is a carciagenic (sp), which can be harmful, but i wouldnt worry about such a trivial thing. If you were worried about everything that could harm you in this world you would live in a air bubble. chill out!
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Thanks for the replies, I do suffer from very bad bronchitis sometimes so I am probably a bit paranoid. Anyway they are moving it now !!

Ozone emission is the biggest concern with laser printers and photocopiers in my experience.

See here for more info.

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