Microsoft Word On Windows Xp in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Microsoft Word On Windows Xp

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stwstrz123 | 05:51 Sat 16th Jul 2016 | Computers
4 Answers

I`ve just installed Word on my Windows XP computer, and I`m foxed (already!). I`ve managed to create a template for business cards, having two columns and five rows of cards-to-be, and I cannot get beyond the cursor being stuck at the top left corner of the first row,first column.if I press enter to move down, it moves up instead, and enlarges the border between the top of the page and the start of the rows.

I can`t find anything in the `help` section about this, can anybody assist please?
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You've not stated which version of Word you've used. You might have installed a version that's not compatible with XP.


1. Try a different word-processing program, with the most obvious choice being OpenOffice Writer (which is part of the full OpenOffice suite):

2. Try a DTP program, with the easiest to use freebie probably being Serif PagePlus SE:
and the top-of-the range (full professional quality) freebie being Scribus:

3. Design your business cards online, using the Avery website and print them directly from there:
(For 5 rows and 2 columns of business cards, the Avery A4 sheet number is C32070, which you can use even if you're actually printing onto a different brand)
I don't know the answer but sometimes you have to insert a text box to enable you to insert text on the label/card.

I have to admit that I have been known to swear at my laptop when attempting to create anything on word.

I am sure that one of our more intelligent/knowledgeable members will be along to help later. I am off back to bed.

Good luck
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Hi Buenchico,

The version I`ve installed is Microsoft Office Professional 2003, and it said in the advert iot is compatible with Windows XP. I tried earlier before buying the disc, OpenOffice Writer, and also a shop bought `Create your own Business Cards` by media/art (Focus Multimedia) but they did not work either, nor anything downloaded from the net. That`s why i thought I`d buy a `proper` programme! Now trying the serif PagePlus SE: you mentioned then the scribus.net option. Thanks for now though!
Doesnt Word already have inbuilt templates for business cards - if not preinstalled visit the website and download the appropriate templates of which there are many for different uses all free.

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