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The Menin Gate

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10ClarionSt | 18:07 Sun 24th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Rochdale Youth Band will be playing at the Menin Gate on Tuesday. They set off for Belgium yesterday at 6 a.m. and, due to all the delays at Dover, have only just arrived in Belgium. My granddaughter is playing in the band at a memorial service. They will be playing Hymn To The Fallen and Sunset. It's a great honour for them and we are all proud of them. Hope it all goes well!


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What a lovely way to commemorate. You are right to be proud. I trust they have a wonderful time and a safe journey home.
So pleased they arrived in time, the Dover situation sounds dreadful. It's so important that the younger generation honours the sacrifices of the past and the Menin Gate is an incredibly moving place to visit.
Well done to them.
It was a truly overwhelming experience to stand in the Menin Gate during the service. They will remember it for ever I'm sure.
That is a great honour for them indeed and your grand daughter, I'm sure they have rehearsed it well and it will go well for them, she must be a very talented young lass. hear hear for her!! or is it here here? I never know
Very moving occasion - well done to your Granddaughter and all the band.
Well done them. Shame you couldn't be there to see your Granddaughter Clarion x
You must be so proud. It's hard to discribe the feeling of being there and hearing the Last Post echoing under the gate but once you've heard it yuo never forget
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