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Rivers Quiz 08/09/16

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jackierob | 10:20 Sat 30th Jul 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
part six any clues would be appreciated
2. HR,ER,GR not back to shape mount differently 8,4,6
9. California forest not in disarray 9,2,4
11. avoid going round river endlessly swirling 5,2,5
14. miss 100. sale now rearranged 7,2,5
16. fresh large Gordon's no return - moon in Paris 9,2,4
19. home of FC aka The Magpies 9,4,4 thought newcastle upon tyne ?
20. home of roseate tern off amble 6,6


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19 Looks OK
16 Newbiggin-on-Lune
14 Skipton On Swale
2. Kings ton upon thames
9 Newcastle upon tyne?
11 keep thinking ....stoke on trent.... but don't know why
11. avoid going round river endlessly swirling 5,2,5

The no. of letters for this one is (9)
Question Author
thanks all once again much appreciated and sorry letter count for no 11 is 9 and not 5,2,5 as typed.

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Rivers Quiz 08/09/16

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