Is it hard to get diagnosed?
My son is a loving, kind polite boy who has a strict sense of what is right and wrong. he hates school because he has no friends and feels an outsider. although he is very chatty with adults i think he finds it hard to mix with children his own age, as he often says " why dont the other kids get me?"
He also says he doesnt have a voice and people dont hear him!
But he also is prone to some very very bad outbursts of anger/tantrums over the slightist of things for eg at dinner he has to have his place setting just right, spoon on the left fork on the right knife at the top, his to food has to be served in a certain way to, his bed has to be made in a certain way with his toys led in a certain way, he has his seat on the sofa which nobody is allowed to sit on because he has it set in a certain way he likes! if you touch something he often has to touch it afterwards with the back of his hand ( which i think he does this subconciously ) sorry for rambling on but im trying to list all his funny little foibles (and my fingers cant type quick enough ) ohh and also he love his devices which worries me a bit, and we do try and restrict his usage on these ( but saying that he has amazing hand an eye coordination ! ) he is 10.
although i dont want him to have autism i do belive there is something and to have something diagnosed would i think help us and answer a lot of questions
thanks for listening