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EcclesCake | 21:15 Mon 01st Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Police on doorstep telling me Mr Cake has been ambulanced to hospital, he's bruised and battered and being kept in after an altercation with him, his bike and a motorist.

Got totally lost leaving the unfamiliar hospital on a dark wet night.

Not surprisingly I've poured myself a large one!


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Tell him to frame himself and gear up for a quick recovery or he'll be saddled with you wheeling him around which will make you tyred. Next time you see him, pump up his ego and tell him I spoke up him.
21:59 Mon 01st Aug 2016
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I expected to find her indignantly stomping around the garden because she couldn't get to her breakfast. I'm sure she's just sulking under a bush at having been left out in the rain all night.
My friend used to keep chickens. It was amazing the different personalities they had.
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Indeed they do!
Just come across your post Eccles, ouch, busted ribs are no laughing matter. Hope Mr E. is a bit more comfy this morning. He is going to be sleeping sitting in an armchair for a few days, if my experience of broken ribs is any thing to go by. Now a wayward chicken..........I bet the last 24 hours all seem a bit surreal. I do hope he didn't ruin his lycra shorts etc. (*_^)
so after all the tongue in cheek humour, whose fault was it? if it was the motorists, did he stop and help? i ask cuz i've been in the same situation more than once.
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Motorist at fault who did stop and help as did another. Not sure what will happen next.

His Lycra shorts were the only thing the hospital didn't cut off :-)
Eccles....just seen this....hope everything turn out OK.
Just seen this. Think I'd have poured a large 2. Hope all is now OK x
How is he today Eccles? Did the chicken come home? xx
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Still in hospital. Very painful which is to be expected he managed to sleep though.
Well that's a bonus. You try and get some as well tonight. Did they say when he could come home?

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