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Crusader. 4Th. August

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ferinlay | 10:59 Fri 05th Aug 2016 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Crusader 4th. August. 27 Across. 9 letters D?T?R?E?T. I think it might be deterrent, but what has that to do with an animal having time to tear. 13 Across. 7 letters T?E?E?S. Is it Theseus? Any help appreciated. Thanks.


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t(time) inside deer(animal) + rent(tear)
clue for 13a ?
13 across clue please
27a. put T in DEER then RENT for tear.
Question Author
Sorry folks trust me to forget the clue. Clue for 13 across. Article uses form of hero. thanks for deterrent explanation.
THE then anag of USES.
The (article)+ anag uses=Theseus
Theseus - The(article) + anagram of uses
anagram of the uses

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Crusader. 4Th. August

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