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Angela's Plan Worked Then!

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Caran | 22:00 Fri 05th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
We went to a large city today called Weisbaden. I couldn't believe the number of immigrants there were.
We hardly saw any white people. It was hard to realise we were in Germany.


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Does she think that Weise ?
I've just been to several big German towns. About 80% white, all of them.
How did you know they were immigrants and not German born ?
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Definitely not like that here jno.
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Obviously I didn't Anne but there were hundreds of young men.
Glad you had a good holiday.
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Thanks Mamya, we start home tomorrow, staying overnight near Ghent. So home Sunday evening. Just wish the weather had been kinder. Sunday and today been sunny all the rest rain, rain and more rain. But we still got out and about.
That is true of a few German cities I have visited in the last 12 months sadly.
She has really screwed things up for Germany by not handling the refugee crisis properly. Things are going to get very ugly over the next few years.
The south of Germany near the Swiss border is ok. Traditional German towns where integration has worked (the Turkish influx post he war).
There has been a large Turkish population in Germany for generations ..........would these have been among the people that you saw Caran ?
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Don't think so Mikey, the few women we saw all had headscarves on, don't think they do that in Turkey, or do they?
You’re in denial, Mikey. Approximately 2 million migrants from the Middle East and Africa have entered Germany recently. Difficult to miss.
John McInroe was born here
gollob, you canNOT be serious!
and Caran ....
you didnt get robbed or assaulted so .... you're gonna complain !

somone has to clean the streets and like the English - the Germans wont !

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Angela's Plan Worked Then!

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