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Gness - Come Back, Pleeeeeese

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hellywelly4 | 09:02 Sun 07th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
We miss you xxx


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Can someone gets snags back pls
We could do with Dear Doris starting a thread so ABers could post their feelings and vent some spleen.
surely not again, would have thought that in his profession, he would have learned the penalties for repeated offences, though maybe he is comfortable in Ed's holding space.
Who's profession and what profession?

To those who miss Sqad....he’s not gone.....he’s now called mohne
Retrocop - Cop
I suppose he has got ede and sorpe left.
and snags profile is still active
Snags uses a different account now...
Mohne, you jest, surely not.......Doctor Moaner, I love it......
DTC, he says he chose it on a grumpy day
Mohne continues the Dambusters theme he is so interested by....
Are people not getting fed up with these types of threads - there have been so many so far!
The gushing posts, most certainly.
no man is an island

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No man is an island


Human beings do not thrive when isolated from others>meant to put this in
There's no I in team . !!!!! :-)

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Gness - Come Back, Pleeeeeese

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