Back at last!
Some help please:-
11 across We had arranged to hide solution not missing a trick 4 and 4 letters -A--//-Y-D
16 down Alec gets involved with girl showing strong dislike 8 letters n----R-I-
15 across ~~~~Boy upset about hospital department's type of surgery n 6 letter D-----.14 across Some found Ulysses OTT 6 letters ----L-
Thank you in advance.
Thank you baldric, wills and emeritus -that has brought me forward quite a bit.
Margo and Danny. The last few times you haven't answered my posers - have I upset you both? I know I have out away 'out' for a few day, but duty calls.
Thanks for the info danny - good to be in touch.
I have to spy various opportunities during the day and evening to come on line, often after your signing off times I guess.
One to get and two assumptions to clear up:
21 down Cutback in small business? Such work gets hard 6 letter S-U-c-