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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:29 Mon 15th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Monday. The sky is clear! Wonderful. It's going to be a sunny day. About time too I reckon.

Himself is still enjoying a rootle around in the garden. He will be out for while I reckon, making up for lost time.

Lots to do today. Places to go and people to see.

Have a happy day everyone.


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You're welcome jen. xxx Do you have a throwaway email?
Morning All !

We have at least 3 days of very hot and sunny weather to come this week, so I must remember to apply plenty of Factor Fifty 50 when I go out to work later.

Another bloody marvelous night at Rio it would seem !
no ddon;t how to do the throw away emails. unforunately.

@ 07:32 //have not got the right one// should read 'have noW got',

It's too blooming early. Tash' has just wandered in grabbed a coffee and paper and headed for the lounge, her obedient servant Roger, has gone bounding in there with her.
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Morning mikey. Good to see the sun for more that two minutes, isn't it!

The lads and lasses in Rio are doing us all proud, are they not. Second in the medal table!
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It's too early for precision balders. Tash has the right idea mate. :o}
i am off WBM for any another couple hours - as I have a massive nail in my tyre so am off to get it out and I guess a new tyre - happened last night . Thanks God we were safe talk to soon Watery
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I'm always ready to talk jen.

Have a happy day. xxxxx
Good morning everybody
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Morning paddy. All well mate? :o}
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Time to make tracks. Have a happy day everyone. :o}

Have a good day wbm.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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