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Lr41 Battery

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Maydup | 08:12 Tue 16th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I've just found a small round LR41 battery on the floor. what might it be from and how can I not be missing it?!


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Is it from your hearing aid?

accidentally brought in on the sole of a shoe?
Question Author
LOL No hearing aids here! Possibility about shoe sole I suppose. Keep thinking though.
i don't know what that it - like a button battery?
Yes, a button battery.
Out of an old watch?
...about the only thing these are used in....rather older design quartz watches.
A remote ?
No...they are WAY too small for a remote, and are not used in calculators, either. They are used in older quartz watches and not much else.
Question Author
All very strange, neither if us have a watch. Maybe it has come in on our shoe then. Thanks for your answers though.
They are very common in cameras both film and digital, they operate the exposure meter. I sell vintage cameras on eBay so I always have a stock of them in the house. They also operate the push button ' key fob' on a lot of cars central locking .
Question Author
My camera has a flat Lion battery, but I will check the car key fobs. Thanks Eddie.

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