My mother-in-law says i shouldn't put white bread out for the birds as it is bad for them. Is this true? also what about the tired old argument about if you can't put food out every single day then don't bother at all. is that true?
Of course she's right. Most birds are meat eaters. You are doing a very bad thing, listen to your mother-in-law as all good sons-in-law should! :) Not only, but also, bible folowing christians should read the bit about not feeding birds!!!!!
You're 'aving a larf, Janetex! There are as many seed-eating birds as meat-eaters! But bread isn't really a good food for birds, as it is processed, and has additives (salt etc) that are bad for them. The closer to their natural food, the better. So seeds and grains are better.
"the white bread is the ONLY thing that that get finished completly..." Seems that humans aren't the only ones to prefer junk food to 'good for you' stuff!
I've just discovered that the main reason why it is bad to put out bread for the birds is that it fills them up so that they don't eat any more, but is low fat and doesn't give them enough energy to survive a cold night. Buttered bread would be better than dry bread.