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Ao Mamy

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jennyjoan | 22:48 Tue 30th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I don't know whether you give your throwing away emails to just anybody - but if you wouldn't mind I would like to have yours. If it is not ok then that is fine too jj. Thanks


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Hi JJ - I do hope you mean that you won't mind if I don't.

It's not really about not wanting to converse but I am dreadful at responding to the myriad of emails I already get from daughters,their husbands and four grandchildren too.

At the end of the day when I put my fourth lot of eye drops in I know I've spent too long at the screen.

Don't be cross with me.x
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That's perfectly fine Mammy - but you would be the only one that I could have sorta felt at ease with this problem I have had for some quite time that I contacted Samaritans. But not to worry - I do know it can be struggle with your eyes I am very aware of that - no worries at all xx

I don't know of any sibling, loads of friends, cousins that I could tell this too without IT going to the root/cause which then could make more mayhem. But I;ll get through it - have done for years. x
Oh gosh, now I feel dreadful - can your GP not put you in touch with a Counsellor maybe?
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Don't feel bad Mamy - will get around to counselling even though I don;t sorta believe bade.]]

I do have a few friends I could confide in but it worry me sick if it went back tot he original source so I have decided to keep quite.

Have a nice sleep Mamy - you have enough to worry about with your squad (Sqad) LOL xx
This address will last for 10 minutes - email me and I'll respond.

[email protected]
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try your email to see if it has gone
Got you and replied.
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thanks but you know i won't be putting pressure on you
I know that.x
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you can remove your post now
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^^^^throw away addres
That address doesn't exist anymore, so don't worry - my address is the one I have emailed you from.
Nice, good luck ladies :-)

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Ao Mamy

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