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Is It Working? :)

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AB Editor | 09:02 Thu 01st Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

Everyone alright? Is AB working?

The techies claim to have fixed it, but who trusts voodoo eh?

Let me know your issues (to do with the site... I've not got all day!)


All the best,

AB Editor.


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Seem ok to me Ed. Thank you.
Question Author
I might need to go clear up those one-liners...
I have had trouble getting on the site during the last few days and whether that was because of something at your end or mine, i do not know. Whatever the problem was, it does, touch wood, appear to have been resolved - fingers crossed, lucky rabbit's foot in hand, etc, etc.
Seems OK to me but on the other hand there has been no new questions in crosswords since 7.39.
Seems OK today but had a ten minute loss of connnection yesterday.
That is par for the course these days.
Seems fine to me this morning.
seems ok now...twas rather fun at the time ! lol...
All those one liners were Minty's. I didn't do any of them.
just goes to show, catsrcool - you lose the internet for an hour and everyone gets to exercise theri brains so much they can still do their own crosswords next morning!
Was it only an hour, Jno? It seemed much longer.
Tilly tells fibs ! lol
Only little 'uns.:-)

Anyway, still no issues to report.
Yes Ed....seems to be OK now !
You seem to have sorted the problem out ED, thank you, I will take the Rope Down Now.

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