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An Epic Photo Of Little Willy

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mikey4444 | 08:06 Fri 02nd Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Here is Little Willy, sitting on the EPIC sign

Won't know if this has worked or not until I press the button, so here goes !


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What a cute little willy you've got mikey ;-)
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Hans...thanks....I think he is cute as well, but I guess I am a tad biased ! might change your mind, if you saw it context !

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jubieanna......thanks !

I called him Willy when I first had, about 8 weeks old. He was about 7 inches long and hairy, so Willy seemed an ideal name !
Ha ha ha ha
I didn't know the epic sign had been at Tintern Abbey. That's near me I would've gone to have a look.
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Your Yorkshire Wolfhound is cute Mikey.

A feisty breed of hound - like cats they seem unable to comprehend their small size when picking fights.

I think if it gets people to the attraction then it's done its job. It's only there for a week so no harm done.
aww cutie pie !
He's a little cutie ;-)
I rather like the look of the EPIC sign. I Googled it and I love the way it mirrors all the scenery around it.
Sadly I associate 'epic' with a man in too tight shorts and very high heels wiggling his bum.

Nice doggie
your hairy legs are showing, mikey.....
What a lovely little doggie mikey.

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