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%^&*ing Doctors! Playing Politics With Public Health

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ToraToraTora | 14:15 Thu 01st Sep 2016 | News
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Did they ever have public support? Will they we testing that support with this latest batch of spitting the dummy out?


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blimey Dermot Murnahan took Jeremy Hunt apart this morning

JH for it was he... this is a good contract
DM so why do you have to enforce it on them ?
JH well they dont really know how good it is and we do
DM working in unsafe condition over the week end
JH we never said we would have seven day working
DM o ho everyone thinks you did
JH no no it will be gradual and you have to start somewhere ....

\\Worth recalling that in a dispute there are two sides that fail to agree and thus cause, and are responsible for, whatever results.\\\

But "both sides" have agreed .....the BMA and the Government
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"3T and the usual suspects will say well the junior doctors could resign and do something else... " - well that's what I do when I don't like a job.
The BMA is not the other side. They are representing their members who were, and clearly failed to bother to take notice of them and the fall back condition they were not prepared to take less than.
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TTT, I obviously have no idea what your job is, so I don't really understand your comment about just resigning and looking for another job if you don't like the one you're currently in. If you're in banking, do you just jack it in and try being a plasterer or, if you're a dentist, do you just pack it in and try being an insurance agent?
The alternative employers available to a doctor are few and far between, if they wish to go on practising medicine, surely.
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well it doesn't mean you have to change career totally, I have on occasion found myself in a job that I don't like, I either move within the same organisation to another role or possible to another similar organisation. In the case of Hospital doctors that would be more difficult but clearly they hate their jobs as they are always whining and striking so perhaps another NHS career path would be more appropriate. Life is too short to endure a job you hate.
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they chose that career the path is well known. Did they enter that career to change it?
Bit late with this but just heard the update that senior doctors are advising the spoilt little brats against striking.

How on earth can someone who wants to be a doctor deliberately inflict both phsical and mental suffering on the very people they should be helping?
Not many things make my blood boil but this is just disgraceful
oh step forward FF - so you would like a contract enforced on you

Er, I think i always have, but I've been prepared to walk away if I didn't like it.

It was imposed int his case after long discussions when it was clear that the concessions the government were prepared to make were not good enough for the BMA (although the BMA did recommend acceptance them once didn't they then changed their mind).

I'd like to see some honesty. Why don't they just say it's primarily about wanting more money rather than all this nonsense of waving placards saying "save our NHS"
Just because they are doctors and work for our oh so beloved perfect NHS doesn't mean they must be right and have everyone's support.
We are very reliant on these doctors and they do a great job but there must come a point where we say they can't have whatever they want. I'm sure many of us started off thinking the doctors had a good case and deserved to be listened to, but after hearing so much nonsense from them (trying to say it was about everything but pay) (and nonsense from the government to be fair abusing statistics about weekend death rates) I have lost my support having come to the conclusion that it is basically about
(a) money (the more they say it's not about money the more the evidence shows it is)
(b) the doctors disliking a government 'interfering' in 'their' domain (the health service)
(c) an anti-government agenda from a few spokespersons (there have been emais highlighting this),
(d) the government saying enough is enough and realising that if the doctors get their way it will be others next (nurses, teachers, social workers, police, etc)
Replace Jeremy Hunt, new negotiations,
Isnt the definition of politics - for the people - isnt that exactly what the NHS is supposed to be for. Hands up anyone who believes anything a career politician says.
Can't they take it to arbitration?
IMHO - we need a fully functioning 7 day a week NHS to deliver at all levels but it should be funded accordingly

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