Quizzes & Puzzles6 mins ago
Why Doesn't Jimmyk Accept The Will Of Her People?
53 Answers
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -scotla nd-scot land-po litics- 3725044 8
Will enough people have changed their minds since 2014? Even if they have it's not independence they are after anyway, more like subjugation in the EU.
Will enough people have changed their minds since 2014? Even if they have it's not independence they are after anyway, more like subjugation in the EU.
quiz..we have a lot of say via Holyrood already..but we RELY on the Bank of England and its reserves..we have NO central bank..NO reserves..NO manufacturin g industry... NO ship/steel Industry.. Whisky is now largely Japanese.. Oil is harvested by foreign investment and is already depleting... financial institutes are foreign based...no fishing to...
07:47 Sun 04th Sep 2016
“Precisely what the UK government or any other EU country’s government has been empowered to do in recent times. Are you suggesting the UK has been powerless to create ANY legislation of its own for decades?”
Yes. Legislation of any importance or significance, anyway. Not for decades, but certainly since the Lisbon Treaty was signed. Admittedly we can pass a bit of legislation to enable gay marriage, dole out money overseas or ban plastic bags (which nobody is much concerned about). But the important stuff – controlling immigration, providing State support for industries of our choice, forging trading links with other nations, no.
“…the key difference between Scotland and London is that Scotland is a formerly-independent country/nation.”
Formerly (considerably formerly) being the salient description.
“As for being "unable to control its borders", could Scotland in the EU possibly be any worse than the UK under the Tories have been in that respect of late?”
Probably not (though an independent Scotland granted EU membership would have to join the Schengen scheme). But that’s one of the reasons why the electorate voted to leave (against the Tories’ recommendations who were obviously content with the current ludicrous arrangements).
I half take your point about nicknames. But so ridiculous do some (well, most) politicians portray themselves with their ideas that they really open themselves up to such ridicule. Ms Sturgeon’s latest notion illustrates the point. She suggest that it is her job to persuade the Scottish electorate to listen to her to learn what’s good for them (they having rejected her recommendation just two years ago). Of course she should be listening to them, finding out what they want and doing her best to facilitate it. But that’s politicians for you.
Yes. Legislation of any importance or significance, anyway. Not for decades, but certainly since the Lisbon Treaty was signed. Admittedly we can pass a bit of legislation to enable gay marriage, dole out money overseas or ban plastic bags (which nobody is much concerned about). But the important stuff – controlling immigration, providing State support for industries of our choice, forging trading links with other nations, no.
“…the key difference between Scotland and London is that Scotland is a formerly-independent country/nation.”
Formerly (considerably formerly) being the salient description.
“As for being "unable to control its borders", could Scotland in the EU possibly be any worse than the UK under the Tories have been in that respect of late?”
Probably not (though an independent Scotland granted EU membership would have to join the Schengen scheme). But that’s one of the reasons why the electorate voted to leave (against the Tories’ recommendations who were obviously content with the current ludicrous arrangements).
I half take your point about nicknames. But so ridiculous do some (well, most) politicians portray themselves with their ideas that they really open themselves up to such ridicule. Ms Sturgeon’s latest notion illustrates the point. She suggest that it is her job to persuade the Scottish electorate to listen to her to learn what’s good for them (they having rejected her recommendation just two years ago). Of course she should be listening to them, finding out what they want and doing her best to facilitate it. But that’s politicians for you.
quiz..we have a lot of say via Holyrood already..but we RELY on the Bank of England and its reserves..we have NO central bank..NO reserves..NO manufacturing industry...NO ship/steel Industry..Whisky is now largely Japanese..Oil is harvested by foreign investment and is already depleting...financial institutes are foreign based...no fishing to speak of..no coal...I could go on..just what do you think Scotland would survive on ??? Devolution is the best for Scotland..NOT separation...we voted to remain in the UK and have to therefore accept the EU referendum as a democratic society..we cannot go feral and degenerate into a Lord of the Flies type society....
Murraymints, the Bank of England is just a name; it's actually the Bank of the UK! (Indeed, it was virtually invented by a Jock!) Any reserves within it belong to ALL of the constituent parts of that union. If Scotland does ever become independent, it will automatically be entitled to a share of these and any other assets on, one presumes, a population-related basis.
There are all sorts of other aspects that we share. For example, government buildings belong to the UK government, not some presumptive English government, so if the rump UK after Scottish independence wished to go on using them, they'd need to "buy us out", as it were. Conversely, we would have to pay our share of any debts....but only if we got our dues, of course!
You miss the point about whisky, oil etc. Yes, companies involved in producing these things get profit from them, but the key fact is that the TAX revenues owed by these companies would be paid into a Scottish Treasury, NOT a UK one, since the last remaining truly productive areas of the North Sea would be in the sea area in Scotland's control.
You may also have overlooked the fact that North Atlantic rather than North Sea oil exploration is likely to be a much greater money-earner eventually and such exploration is already well under way. It's worth noting that the Rump UK has no coast adjoining the North Atlantic and, therefore, no claim whatsoever on its potential bounty!
How much oil or whisky has Malta got...or Slovakia...or Slovenia? There are quite a few small countries in the EU, never mind the wider world, that are independent and managing their own affairs successfully without oil OR whisky. Where do you get the absurd idea that Scotland, uniquely amongst them, would be incapable of doing likewise? You ARE a Scot, aren't you?
I could go on, too!!
There are all sorts of other aspects that we share. For example, government buildings belong to the UK government, not some presumptive English government, so if the rump UK after Scottish independence wished to go on using them, they'd need to "buy us out", as it were. Conversely, we would have to pay our share of any debts....but only if we got our dues, of course!
You miss the point about whisky, oil etc. Yes, companies involved in producing these things get profit from them, but the key fact is that the TAX revenues owed by these companies would be paid into a Scottish Treasury, NOT a UK one, since the last remaining truly productive areas of the North Sea would be in the sea area in Scotland's control.
You may also have overlooked the fact that North Atlantic rather than North Sea oil exploration is likely to be a much greater money-earner eventually and such exploration is already well under way. It's worth noting that the Rump UK has no coast adjoining the North Atlantic and, therefore, no claim whatsoever on its potential bounty!
How much oil or whisky has Malta got...or Slovakia...or Slovenia? There are quite a few small countries in the EU, never mind the wider world, that are independent and managing their own affairs successfully without oil OR whisky. Where do you get the absurd idea that Scotland, uniquely amongst them, would be incapable of doing likewise? You ARE a Scot, aren't you?
I could go on, too!!
Bank Of England Assets?
//If Scotland does ever become independent, it will automatically be entitled to a share of these and any other assets on, one presumes, a population-related basis//
The debt you mean, with no means of servicing it.
The water above the North Sea oil will be worth more per barrel once England starts the fracking programme. Welsh whisky is a better product.
//If Scotland does ever become independent, it will automatically be entitled to a share of these and any other assets on, one presumes, a population-related basis//
The debt you mean, with no means of servicing it.
The water above the North Sea oil will be worth more per barrel once England starts the fracking programme. Welsh whisky is a better product.
Try the Penderyn Welsh whisky 3T very very good. If you can get a bottle of Penderyn Myth you will not be disappointed.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
I stopped buying Scottish Whisky many moons ago, and will never buy another bottle.
https:/ /www.am azon.co .uk/s/r ef=nb_s b_noss_ 2/255-9 039671- 1462255 ?url=se arch-al ias%3Da ps& field-k eywords =pender yn+whis ky+& ;rh=i%3 Aaps%2C k%3Apen deryn+w hisky+
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