Food & Drink2 mins ago
Can You Guys Help Me Find This Song ?
There have been some good 5-6 years now , since I'm looking for this song. All I remember are fragments of the video clip. There were those fairies in a forest , the song itself was eerie and in the clip , each ''fairy'' was being introduced. One of them was ''Luna''. At that time , the song was on youtube and had the name ''Illuminati song'' , just that. If you want more details , please let me know and please help me find this song! Thank you!
So glad you've found it, now don't mislay it again. Get the Album if you can.
14:49 Thu 08th Sep 2016
They talk about it on this blog. https:/ /forums .thesec retworl howthre ad.php? 5239-Il luminat i-Theme -songs/ page4