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Why Do Drivers Do This?

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10ClarionSt | 15:05 Sat 10th Sep 2016 | Motoring
36 Answers
Lots of drivers, when turning left, will move to the right, to the centre of the road, then turn left. They will do the opposite when turning right. Why?


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Del Boy I ain't, I failed the Medical.
What problem does it cause you, Clarion?
you get better sight around the corner if you move out right on a left hander....
Like a lot of people, they see other people do things and then do it themselves without stopping to question whether it's the correct thing to do. Just like driving with front fog lights on all the time, pulling straight into lane 3 from the slip lane [and the same when pulling back across], trying to steer a vehicle holding a cup or bottle....the list goes on.
Driving on a dual carriageway this afternoon, as the road reaches a roundabout it splits into three, left lane for town, middle lane for straight on and right lane for going round the roundabout. Two cars in front, one on inner lane wanted to cross to outside lane and outside lane driver wanted to go to town, they met in the middle and somehow managed to miss each other. Both being red it was like watching the synchro pair of the Red Arrows.
The manoeuvre you mention enables the driver to turn faster without having to slow down, or god forbid, stop.
It is just aggressive driving, by incosiderate kn0bheads. Unfortunately, there are many of them about.
Cos they are phiste.
Inconsiderate Gromit? In what way? It is not inconveniencing anyone.
Sometime it is necessary to get around a tight junction, I frequently do this in the area I live. nothing to do with bad driving or using mobiles etc. If the manoeuvre is carried out correctly there is nothing wrong with it at all.
Electro, it's a pity that a lot of drivers take your advice Re/ HGVs on roundabouts, I often had near misses with the suicide clown that can not wait to get into their coffins.
Don't take your advice.
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Morning OZ, we have the UFO here this morn lol, correct me if i'm wrong here, is it Illegal in OZ to undertake a HGV when that truck is talking a wide berth to turn left? I was taking to 2 truckies in Sydney a few years ago and this came up in conversation.
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Yes I remember seeing these warning signs, there was an incident at Shoreditch one way system in London many years ago, were were pulling flat bed trailers then, this young lass trying her luck with HGV on his inside, he dragged her with him up to the fish markets near the Jack The Ripper Pub, she ST-- herself, she got booked.
it's called the Scandinavian flick, a well know technique.

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