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Pedantic Peter .....

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wolf63 | 18:42 Mon 12th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Dear PP

I saw this picture the other day, I think that you may be related - if your strange ability to mangle the English language is genetic.



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Be careful, wolfie, the Ed may cancel you out for a thread targeted at an though....and if it's Christmas, there must be a certain ABer's burpday on the horizon. Forgotten who it is.....
hmm....wonder wonder ...
Cheek. I don't know what people go on about, I've never had the slightest trouble understanding PP. Trying to understand cats, on the other hand...
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I like PP and usually understand what he is going.

I thought it was funny but I accept that my little Bipolar brain has been known to lead me astray.

I can't see the picture. Sometimes Tinypic doesn't work for me. :-(
ahhh how kind of you to think of me !

certainly not from me
cute kiddie - let it stay !

I am flattered to be the centre of attention

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Pedantic Peter .....

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