We were given a bottle of wine which neither we or the donors can find any more of. The label was Ferdinand Pieroth and the wine was stated as being a Mundana from Hajos-Baja (which I know to be a region in Hungary). Does anyone know a source - we really enjoyed its extraordinarily different flavour compared to other reds we have tasted ?
Hi I work in telesales for Pieroth and can give you a full range of sweet reds including the Mundana you mention. Reply if you want the contact details.
Thanks ness&jim for your offer. From previous answers we were able to get some from Pieroth although we did think long and hard over the outlay (minimum purchase was near enough �150). Subsequently, we have found a similar but far cheaper wine which we can buy by the bottle.
Karl. Can you tell me what this cheaper wine is as i have drank Mundana for a long time but dont like the price but cant find anything nearly as nice. THANKS
The Mundana is still available through Pieroth, a case of 12 will set you back about £220. I know as I brought a case last year, very pleasant, more like a Sangria than a wine. Incredibly nice as a desert wine or with dark chocolate.