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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:31 Sat 17th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
135 Answers
Saturday. Well, the promised deluge didn't occur, so I shall have to do some watering before I go out.

It's a wee bit nippy out this morning, so himself didn't stay out long.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Have a goodly day all and take care.
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Good plan oz. I'm planning an egg and bacon pie today.
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Have a good'un oz. :o}
Haven't had one of those for ages Boaty.
Will it be as good as the ones Mum used to make?
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Time will tell oz! I doubt it.
egg and bacon pie !! not had that for years....luvverly ! mind the broon !! lol
Not the same without "broon" ;-)

bye Oz xx
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Have a good'un oz. :o}
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No broon minty. It will be accompanied by potato/sweetpotato mash, Chestnut mushrooms and peas and sweetcorn.

Or mushrooms and chips! :o}
mash sounds good !!
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It's a good combination minty. A wee bit of fresh ground black pepper brings out the flavours nicely. It also make lovely potato cakes.
me hungry !!

oh's youngest coming for his dinner..chicken in slow cooker with a white mushroom sauce....broccoli sweetcorn..(the ONLY veg he eats ) with roasties
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Time to go and do some shoplifting.

Have a happy day everyone. ;o}
bye boaty xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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