Are they just out to save money, My husbands attacker is not being charged, due to lack of evidence, although he sustained a badly cut eye and a front tooth knocked out so the police go through all the motions paperwork etc, just to be told hes not being charged, so a drug taking 30 year old can go around bashing 70 year olds and get away with it.
The CPS judge whether to prosecute based on Liberal prerogative rather than any sort of evidence. I have first hand experience of being dragged through a prosecution by these numpties. The problem is they are all lawyers that are not good enough to work privately, usually with a political axe to grind. I'm guessing your husband is a white male and as such is committing the worst possible crime in the eyes of the Liberal elite.
The CPS review the evidence and will only proceed if they consider there is a high chance of a conviction. They don't go for cases where the chances of a conviction are 25% or even 50%. It has to be more like 75% .
TTT just how big is the 'chip' on your shoulder?
'I have first hand experience of being dragged through a prosecution by these numpties'
What happened, care to enlighten us?
What more evidence do they need than someone's face being smashed up by another, I'm quite sure no one ever said beat me to a pulp, so I can call the police and show them what you've done.
Have they given a reason?
It may be for example that there is conflicting evidence regarding the identification of the perpetrator. The CPS have to strike a balance and are perhaps a little too cautious since they are also criticised when something goes to court, the accuse dis found not guilty and people demand to know how the CPS allowed it to go to court.
It's worth asking for reasons or submitting a right to review request.
good luck
Ok eddie, here are the lowlights: I was arrested and tried for criminal damage to the flat below mine, years ago. There was no evidence whatsoever beyond my proximity and the fact that I had told the guy down stairs to kerb the racket a few weeks before. The police would not listen to reason and the CPS prosecuted. The case hung over me for 2 years whilst some dopey woman cop got pregnant and missed trial after trail. When we finally got to court it lasted about 20 minutes, whilst I ripped up the CPS brief and the police for *** paper. I was acquitted and awarded costs. I am white middle aged bloke, the other bloke was not. The police where just determined to show they'd taken it seriously and forgot to actually have a case. QED I maintain the most severe crime you can commit is being a white middle aged bloke. The case is a matter of public record and I have all the docs. I don't have a chip eddie I have relevant experience.
My OH got arrested coming out of shop on his lunch break for basically being ginger. The police could have checked out his alibi instantly but didn't bother so he it hanging over his head for months.
We got to see the description after and it was nothing like him. Lazy policing!
// The CPS judge whether to prosecute based on Liberal prerogative rather than any sort of evidenc
complete crip again from 3T - spreading into the law threads
the criteria are
1s there a realistic prospect of conviction ?
and secondly is it in the public interest ?
these figure many many times in these threads
Chris has pointed out the right to review ( right to ask for a review )
this is the thing sir cliff hasbeen skewered with
paper review only ( no reinvestigation ) and should be done in 30 d
Not that I expect any sort of reason logic or understanding PP but read my post at 09:42, it may give you an insight into why I do not trust the police and CPS.
TTT So you lived in the flat above and had previously told the guy to 'curb the racket' ?
Would that be as 'Would please be so good as to reduce the volume slightly'?
Or more 'Cut the music , *** before I trash your speakers' ?
"What more evidence do they need than someone's face being smashed up by another, ..."
Unfortunately, fruitsalad, they need evidence to prove who "another" was:
"...although he sustained a badly cut eye and a front tooth knocked out"
Who did it then? How do you know who did it? Could hubby identify who did it? Were there any other witnesses? Unfortunately injuries sustained do not prove injuries inflicted or, most importantly, who inflicted them.
I'm not saying this is the reason for discontinuation (because I don't know). But it's just a thought.
NJ yes OH knew his attacker, so did the police, statements were taken, the attacker was arrested and put on bail, the only witness was attackers girlfriend and she sided with him, OH has appealed against CPS decision, so we will await the outcome.